Thursday, April 2, 2009

....Too Tired to Blog

I've been chasing around an F5 baby all day. I swear all that I recall of today is cleaning up after him. I'm sponging up a puddle of milk when a box of emery boards explodes behind me. I start gathering those up and then the contents of my bedside table leap for the floor: secret bag of electrical converters, collectible coins, sunglasses, wristwatches, the Easter Bunny. *sigh* (Not that I'm complaining, Hewie! :)

We managed to tucker each other out today. A twilight walk around the neighborhood, ended up on the Valencia green playing with Sam's girlfriends (just in case there are blades of grass in the crib in the morning). I feel much better because I think he needed that.

Oh and he pooped in Jidou's office....AGAIN! Okay, once would be happenstance. Twice a coincidence. If he does it again, it's a trend...and a sign.

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