Monday, March 1, 2010


This morning Elise was trying to coax Sam into making a poop in his big boy potty. He's good at peeing in it, but he's only pooped in it once.

The usual carrot is a lollipop, and, this occasion, too, the promise of a lollipop was dangled in front of Sam. He sat and tried, but seemed content to pee when we both felt that he had a poop in there dying to come out (don't ask how we knew...), so I decided to up the ante and told Sam, "If you poop, I'll get you a whole cake."

Sam looked up at us and said incredulously, "Whaaaaaaat?!?!"

With the perfect amount of disbelief in his voice. Needless to say, he tried to make a poop for several more minutes. Elise even brought him some reading material.

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