Wednesday, May 12, 2010

The End-all-be-all of Construction Toys

For no other reason than our own sanity and peace of mind, we made a special expedition yesterday afternoon after work to Toys R Us for Sam. Our original intent was to buy him a razor scooter. He has been coveting a razor scooter for as long as we've known him and before he could walk, but for some unknown reason, when we got to Toys R Us and showed Sam the scooter we were going to get for him, he wasn't interested. Needless to say I wasn't going to shell out 50 bones for a toy he could take or leave, so we scoured the aisles for something that he really wanted and that we hoped might engage him for the more than 5 seconds that the rest of his old toys do now.

This is what we brought home...

It prompted no fewer than three complete melt-downs last night. One when we tried to get him away from the construction set long enough to eat dinner, a second time at bath and a third time at bed. The melt-downs grew progressively less emotional as the evening wore on, the first being the most dramatic, prompting me to commiserate with him as he is served time-out in his crib for saying "blah" to the raviolis Elise made for him. I responded, "Sam, we understand you're excited. It's a very cool toy. That's why we got it for you."

Sometimes (most of the time) I explain too much to Sam. Elise calls me on this on the time. Telling me to just walk-away when she finds me explaining to Sam the rationale behind our discipline which usually just serves the purpose of exacerbating the break-down.

This toy, in particular, was very cool. It came with about fifty plastic 'boulders' that looked like little dried, grey peas that I am sure, by now, are everywhere but int he actual construction site.


Anonymous said...

love the "for as long as we've known him"! love seeing, albeit sometimes subtle, your sense of humor.

Natalie said...

Hmm...that sounds strangely familiar. I like it!