Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Morning Travelers

Elise, Sam and Pete wandering off into the concrete jungle on there way to mail a package and pick-up coffee...They walked me downstairs this morning and dropped me off at the "bus stop" :) in front of our building where I catch the shuttle to work. Sam gave me a hug and a kiss and waved 'bye' many times (including when I snapped this photo), Pete smiled up at me and I stole a kiss from my wife. A very good way to start the day...

ETA: You can't see me because I'm wearing my most recent favorite, all black 'ninja suit' (again). This is not only slimming (ahem) but looks as though I have either just finished my workout or am headed directly to my workout. You=fooled. I did however, just join a gym on Sunday and hope to go there at least once before we leave for Brazil in seven months. elise aka: nike ninja


Natalie said...

You guys crack me up!

Anonymous said...

You = fooled

That's hysterical!!