Friday, July 2, 2010

If you build it (and it sprays water), he will come....

One of my favorite things about my mom is that, while a lot was expected of us, good behavior, good manners, good grades, etc. she knew the importance of letting us get into a little safe and exciting mischief. She let my brother throw a dozen eggs against the backyard fence for fun when he asked, let us have chocolate milk on our cereal in the morning (on occasion), and let us 'bobsled' down the stairs in her laundry basket into a pile of couch cushions. On a recent trip home she let Sam pick up rotten apples from the ground beneath her apple tree and throw them over into the adjacent the nude. Him, not her :)

Therefore, one of my favorite things about being a mom is getting to pass on to my kids the gift of spontaneity and allowing yourself to be goofy and let loose when you can, when you need to. and when the consequences are not harmful to anyone. If more people did silly things like this and let go before they were at their wits end we might be living in a happier world. Just sayin.

So when Sam gives me 'the look', you know the one, 'will I be sent to bed with no stories if I do this-look?' I often give in.

This is one of our favorite outlets: Sam is addicted to water, as we've mentioned before. Anywhere, anytime, any outfit.

. . .

I have a tiny pair of Adidas sneakers drying on my porch and a tiny pair of athletics socks, jeans and little yellow tee drip drying in my tub and a sweet boy, sound asleep under his blanky after lunch and 'two books!'.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

the droopier the wet pants, the bigger the smile, yes, that's Sam!
