Sunday, December 26, 2010

Happy Birthday Sweet Boy


I simply can't imagine life without your sweet face everyday. You remind me of all the good things in the world. You teach me to slow down. In you I see all the best memories of my childhood and the littlest reminders of all the people in the world I love. From Great Grandaddy's ears, to Uncle Dan's eyes and Daddy's hands and so much more. You are the best snuggler in the world, you are creative and kind and so very smart. I want to bottle you up and keep you three forever, but I know you are destined for great things. So everyday along your journey, I will hold your tiny hand when you offer and beg when you don't, hear 'i wuv you mommy' a million times, stroke your baby soft cheeks every chance I get, play trains with you when you say 'come on lets come play with me' snuggle with you, read you a million books, lay in bed with you and whisper about our 'weeshes' as you fall asleep, Santa riding rainbows, and living in Thomas Land. I love you to the moon Puppy. Happy third birthday.



1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wonderful sweet boy photograph.

Sam, today on the phone when I asked if you wanted me to sing "Happy Birthday" to you, you said, as sweet as could be, "No, thank you." And when you didn't want to talk anymore, you said, "Bye, Nanny." Mommy is so very right, you are a sweet boy for true.