Saturday, February 5, 2011


Last week Peter repeated "car-car" again and again as he wandered around the house on his new found legs and naturally I thought, "he's a GENIUS! He can say car!" Until.....I dropped a box of crackers on the floor outside our pantry this morning spilling crackers all over the tile floor and Peter rejoyced, "crar-kar!" Of course I still think he's a genius, I'm his mother, I just feel a little bad that I obnoxiously waved a toy car in his face like a goober saying "yes! car-car!" all week when he was, in fact, begging for crackers. I'm sure if I'd looked closely enough he'd have been rolling his little green eyes at me and saying something like "just get me a cracker lady!" Listen carefully....

1 comment:

Natalie said...

That's so cute! Go petey!