Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Lessons Learned from a Recent Weekend

1. It doesn’t matter if it takes me 5 minutes or an hour and 5 minutes to make dinner. It will always be 5 minutes too long for Peter.

2. Never let your kids watch a movie (Rio) with samba music in it right before bedtime.

3. Building a bicycle with tiny screws, bolts, nuts, washers and allen wrenches is an exercise in extreme patience. Two steps forward one step back is actually one giant leap of progress (and I'm actually thankful for the hour of silence as both boys are engaged in intense tinkering, even if it means I am less further along than I was when we started).

4. By the looks Sam and I received on Sunday, Brazilians are not used to roller skating through grocery stores.

4b. The marble ramps into and out of Brazilian grocery stores are not conducive to roller skating.

5. Wal-mart sells glazed doughnuts (the only place we know of in Brasilia that does). Repeat: Wal-mart sells glazed doughnuts!!


Natalie said...

What!? You have Wal-mart? I did not know this and I am insanely jealous.

Anonymous said...

Some employees roller skate at the Walmart here in Rio!