Friday, December 30, 2011

Pete is 2!

Any birthday that starts out with a bag of Cheetos, is bound to be a good birthday...

This child loves a Cheeto. I have a hard time saying no to him on an average day, but when he saunters into the commissary at the Embassy, walks right up to the chip aisle, grabs a bag of crunchy Cheetos, "want deeze." If I don't indulge his immediate request to "open dis," he takes it right to the nice Brazilian man at the register, slides it up on the counter on his tippy toes and patiently waits to be rung up...on Daddy's account. "Tanks!"

Today I didn't even bother saying "no." So he walked out through the mailrooms and embassy offices gathering "oohs and awes" from everyone we met as Tiny Pete and his giant bag of Cheetos crunched and munched their way down the halls with orange fingers and orange lips. Today he munched right out to the car, where we ended with a Cheetos tailgating party just Pete, Sam and I.

We had lunch with Paul and we played and laughed all day. We drove by the only two trains in Brazil near us at a local gas station and out of our way over the "big big bridge" all in the name of Pete's big day.

For dinner I took the boys to Pizza Hut, where we met Paul after work, then wandered over to a local frozen yogurt spot for triple toppings: gummy bears, "marsh!" (marshmallows) and "choca cheeps!" (chocolate chips). I brought the candle, but no fire. To be honest, this child requires no fire. Pete ate all the toppings, Sam the yogurt, and we took a hundred silly pictures, here are just a few:

Sweet Sweet Pete,

Your intensity is matched only by your intoxicating lovability. You are the Yin to your very own Yang. You are caught (I wish forever) between a baby and a boy. Wanting to do everything Sam can do...only with "Pah-zee and Blanks" as your sidekicks for comfort and reassurance. You are strong willed and soft hearted. You are smart, so smart. There isn't a word or sentence you can't say. You can count to ten, you know all your colors and you are learning your letters right alongside "Broder Sam," even though you are just half his age. Like a tiny puppy, you win the hearts of everyone you meet with just a glance. You are curious, kind and soft. You still have the most angel soft hair in the world, the sweetest baby doll face and matching sparkling eyes to "Dah-dee," but you are mama's boy and for each ounce of comfort I might give you when you snuggle in next to me, you give me ten times more.

I love you Foosi-Fee. Happy Second Birthday!



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