Monday, December 26, 2011

Sam is 4!

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Stop Time .

Today my biggest littlest boy turned four. I was ok with it, more ok than I was with one or even two or three...until I sat down and began to peruse past birthday photos. A necessary evil to remind ones self to slow down, not get caught up in the rat race and enjoy every second of their childhood. It is going by so quickly. It seems like yesterday that the baby in my belly was Sam and that Paul and I ventured to the hospital for the first time to meet our son. The moment he emerged is still fresh in my mind and I will never forget his warm little body in my arms instead of me. My life changed forever, in the best possible way.


You are four today and more of a man than I had ever imagined four would be. You are so smart and articulate, you are thoughtful and creative, you are precise and you amaze me every day. You love maps and trains like your Granddad and you love building and creating like dad and me. You have my photographic memory already and it never steers you wrong. You are passionate, so passionate sweet boy and don't ever let that go. You are so like me in so many ways and you show my pieces of myself each day for better and for worse and for both I am thankful. You are so like your Dad and becoming more so every day, from the "fuzz" on your legs to the sparkle in your eyes. You are the best brother and quickly learning to be a wonderful friend and these are the most important things you could ever be. Your imagination and careful planning of each coming day make your love for your soon to arrive baby sister infinitely greater than I could have even imagined during a time that is so hard for even adults to visualize. I hope that she and Peter will be your most cherished gifts each birthday for the rest of your life and you theirs.

You are so loved. So loved.

Happy Birthday my sweet boy.


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