Sunday, April 1, 2012

Milho Verde Sorvette

Tonight we indulged over a years worth of curiosity and dove head first into a tub of corn ice cream. We'd passed it by in the ice cream section of the grocery one too many times, opting for one of the other of the approximately six flavors that Brazil has to offer, chocolate, abacaxi, creme, coconut, neopolitan, but we had never tested the "Milho Verde," a Brazilian favorite.

When we purchased it the other day and brought it home, we inquired of our maid, Sheyla, if she'd tried it before. She looked at us as if we had asked her if she'd ever tried vanilla ice cream. We tried to cover for our seemingly obvious Americanness by explaining to her that there was "no such thing" as corn ice cream in the US. This left her even more astounded, hand to heart muttering "Meus Deus," one of her favorite phrases.

So tonight we gathered around the kitchen table, adventurous spirits, spoons in hand, excitedly waiting to dig in. I peeled back the lid and Sam took the first bite. Given his particular palette we weren't surprised that he wasn't fond of it, so I dipped in. As I brought the spoon to my mouth I was assaulted by the smell of corn on the cob, delicious when expected. Hoping against hope that it didn't taste like corn on the cob, I continued the journey, spoon to mouth: Corn on the cob substitute butter and salt for a sprinkling of creme and sugar. Paul agreed, Peter refused to even try it after witnessing our reactions and Clementine remained sound asleep on Paul's lap, a tactic she has already learned in just two short weeks to avoid being sucked into our crazy ideas.

Milho Verde Sorvette, meet our garbage can.

1 comment:

Natalie said...

That just sounds nasty. But at least you can say you tried it now! True Brazilians!