Friday, January 11, 2013

Christmas (Just) Past

Merry Belated Christmas! We just left the whirlwind that was reverse-culture-shock, shopping, Christmas, both boys birthdays, one birthday bash, New Years, catching up with friends and family (whew) and are now settling into a slower (and freezing cold) routine in the Pacific Northwest. 

I gifted myself a new camera as a "Welcome back to the USA!" gift for myself and for the ever changing face of my business. I can say of us all and of EHP that we are stronger, more resilient, more creative and mobile each day that passes. There are a ton of photos to share from our adventures and now that time allows, you should see a little more from my camera and less from my iphone.

Here are a few photos from just before our shiny clean trip to one of the most inspiring places on Earth, Jupiter First Church. A place that brought me back and that I continue to come back to, arms and hearts filled with gifts and thanks and love.

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