Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Weekend In Photos

This first photo might seem a bit strange, but this guy has been sleeping with us. Ew, you guys. He has been sleeping in our windowsill, but not really sleeping per se, screeching. All. Night. So I am leading with this picture to warn you that if we look tired, this is the reason. 

Let's just call him "Jerk"
Snuggling by the pool
Snack time in Big Brother's cafeteria is big time.
Top knot Tuesday
Bags of temple flowers with my girl. The sweet old Tamil ladies love Clem we always leave with WAY more flowers than necessary. 
Bed full of babies.
Sunday cinnamon roll picnic in the kitchen.
Sweetest boy ever playing chess with his little brother.
My Sunday morning photo walk was at the local fruit and flower market. Always amazing and fragrant. These are curry leaves at my feet. The most discerning smell of South India. 
"Look Mommy, I'm just like you now!" *I do not go out like this. See below.
Date night cooking class: Butter Chicken.
Oh ya, the tired picture. I'd been up since, well I never went to bed, because of "Jerk" (see above), Paul ran 8 at 4:30, then I got up to go out shooting at 6am, then parenting, then a cooking class that didn't start until 7:30 and we didn't eat until 10. Forgive us our dark circles. 
Kitchen Stadium Hanna: Still smiling. "When can we eat?"
Little girl at big brother's school.
Little girl, big bed.

and "Eleventeen, Eighteen, Nineteen."

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