Monday, July 28, 2008

The July Beard

There is a little bit of an unconventional tradition we have come to know in our household over the past three years. This tradition is known only as "The July Beard." It is a little game we play while Mr. Paul B. is away in Aspen (our future home) on his glorious three week vacation and we stay behind to a sorry, one night stay at the Comfort Inn Orlando vacation and to work. Paul is left here to run PHMI, or PMHMI as we call it, when the cat is away. And what fun would it be if, when your boss was out of town, you continued to shave in such a stuffy businessman-like way. BORING. So Paul takes this time to grow out his Lebanese man-beard, scaring little children, cutting his wife and child's delicate skin to pieces with goodnight kisses and terrifying all is fellow running partners when he creeps up on them half-neckid in the dim light of 5am, outfitted with a beard that any fullbred Lebanese would kill for. The only difference this year was that I documented the growth for your enjoyment.

**Please do not be alarmed by what you are about to see, keep in mind that this husband of mine can grow a full beard in an hour so this is extreme!

week 1

week 2
week 3

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