Monday, February 22, 2010


"Mlex": Water. Any type of water, water to drink, water fountains, fountains. We have no idea how you get "mlex" out of "water", but "mlex" is most certainly "water" in Samspeak.

"Blesh": Bless you. Okay what other 2-year old says bless you unprovoked. He started by saying bless you when Peter sneezed. Elise was standing in the kitchen the other day and sneezed and from the living room we hear "blesh" and wasn't sure what Sam had said, but it was definitely "bless you"!

"Mik dis": Milk, please. This is, by far, Sam's favorite phrase as he would drink an entire gallon of milk at one sitting if you let him. "Mik dis" started as "milk, please" but with so much use quickly became just "milk" so we had to make sure he understood to also say please, so now he has to add an additonal "pwease" to his order.

"Natch": Both a noun and a verb. Anything that grabs, bites or snatches (I think that is where "natch" originally came from) like alligators, sharks, crabs, lobsters at the supermarket, Elise's straightening comb, a garlic press, etc. As a verb, "Oh no birds! There's an alligator in that lake! Don't let it natch you!"

Sam also uses a variety of sounds for words. When he says "Ahh" and covers up his chest, it means naked (comes from "Eek! Im naked!"). He doesn't say some words that you would think would be easy like "dog" or "cat". Instead, he woofs or dog or says "mlow" for cat, but then, remarkably, he can say "Hippopotamus". Granted, I started teaching him "hippopotamus" when he was like a year-old, because the neighbor's little girl who is a month older than Sam was saying "hippopotamus" by age 6 months.

More to come...!

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