Wednesday, December 1, 2010

'Twas the night before Brazil....

'Twas the night before Brazil, and all through the Raddison

All the Hannas were stirring with visions of their new 'Brazil house!';

All twelve of the suitcases were stacked by the door without care,

and Paul hoped the bellman would soon be there;

Sam and Peter were jumping like maniacs on their beds,

With Elise and Paul praying they didn't land on their heads;

With Paul in his Hopkins tee and I in my "I surrender!" 80's headband,

Were so ready to settle down for a short nights nap,

When down at the concierge desk arose such a clatter,

When our bags from Spokane arrived beaten and battered.

Away in the morning to Starbucks we'll run like flash,

For one last latte and sprinks donut to stash.

When what to our jet-lagged eyes should appear

But another Boeing 747 to jet us straight out of here.

With 8 hours in the air (more or less),

The pilot will beckon all the stewardess';

'On Grumpy! On Disgruntled! On Hairspray & Nails!'

'Get these people peanuts, caipirinhas and ales!'

We'll touchdown on the runway and won't waste an hour,

Paul will be whisked away to work and Elise will be trapped at home with two screaming boys crying all day. HA HA

(ok we ran out of steam, we're exhausted already!)

**Audience Participation!!**

Insert your favorite last line in the comments box below....


Adrian Pratt said...

Safe travels, our friends. I'm so sure you're going to have a brilliant time.

Anonymous said...

Now Sam, now Peter, no crying please.

Cause it's December the 1st and you know what that means ...

On Santa and elves, on reindeer mooses!

Cause it's time for presents and roasted gooses!
