Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Dia Do Folclores

Yesterday I picked Sam up from school and asked the usual questions: 

M: "How was your day at school today?" 

S: "I can't remember."

M: "What did you do today?"

S: "Where is Peter?"

M: "What was your favorite part about school today?"

S: "What did you and Pete play with today?"

M: "Well that must have been fun."

S: "It was."

But, occasionally he'll offer something up randomly on our two minute drive home that is not at all an answer to my question just a snippet that slips free of the oath of secrecy that I'm now sure that schoolchildren take upon entering preschool:

"Tomorrow is going to be super fun at school, we're going to learn about fire spitting snakes and things that live in the woods like men with fire for hair!"

Having just seen this photo taken at school of Sam holding the Brazilian flag, saluting it and perhaps even singing the Brazilian national anthem...which he knows...from singing it at school, I thought for sure that tomorrow would be the final day of his transformation into a full Brazilian. The Shaman would be traveling to Brasilia from deep within the Amazon and teaching Sam the final and most important notes of being Brazilian just before they slipped him some wild mushrooms and he took a vision quest within the parquinho at school. Then I remembered it was Dia do Folclores:

He still seems pretty American to me, but only time will tell. This is his best fire-spitting cobra face.

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